Thanks for reading this great frivolity.
We had a great time and blew away a few cobwebs but it is so English to be disdainful and unimpressed - particularly about all things French.
we had a four day break in france last weekend, travelling from london at 186 miles per hour on the eurostar.
no sooner had we landed, when my wife took me on a 24-hour open-top-bus -tour around paris.
fortunately she wasnt driving.
Thanks for reading this great frivolity.
We had a great time and blew away a few cobwebs but it is so English to be disdainful and unimpressed - particularly about all things French.
we had a four day break in france last weekend, travelling from london at 186 miles per hour on the eurostar.
no sooner had we landed, when my wife took me on a 24-hour open-top-bus -tour around paris.
fortunately she wasnt driving.
We had a four day break in France last weekend, travelling from London at 186 miles per hour on the Eurostar. No sooner had we landed, when my wife took me on a 24-hour open-top-bus -tour around Paris. Fortunately she wasn’t driving. When it was over I stumbled off the bus and headed for a coffee shop. I was given an eggcup full of coffee, that tasted like a wrestlers armpit, at the price of 4.5 euros a shot. As the days passed I realized this was a bargain and that like Concorde, coffee was an unaffordable luxury in France.
We stayed in a very nice hotel, one minute’s walk from the Seine and the Notre Dame. We were by choice in the Latin Quarters. That is close to one of the seedy parts of Paris where delightful French women make men of my age feel welcome, or whatever they want to feel - at a price. My wife was there to make sure my money was spent on her - as every good wife should.
Drinks were so expensive one would have to be an alcoholic to buy them. So all was well. We settled upon a reasonably priced Havana themed bar. Once again the male owner seemed unable to walk past my bar stool without hugging me. What am I doing wrong I asked my wife ? She shrugged and told me to make the most of it. The hugs were the only free thing in town, so I relaxed and thought of England.
We managed to knock out the Louvre in 2.5 hours. The greatest work of art was a Starbucks coffee shop with real coffee in very large cups at only 4.6 euros. I was so relieved I couldn’t stop smiling. The young woman serving me must have taken this as a personal compliment, as she only charged me 3 euros. I took my own biscuits to stuff the French. It is what Wellington would have wanted.
The French moved very slowly, except on one occasion when a car backfired. Then they all start running for cover. Old habits die hard, I guess.
My wife was entertained, late at night by fit young men, stripped to the waist, jumping over a 10 high foot bar on skate boards in front of the Notre Dame. Their appeal was lost on me but if I lived there, with drinks at that price, I would be tempted to join them and end it all.
My gods had travelled with me and saw to it that there was no time to go shopping, a torture I have never born well.
A walk in the park. A nice Sunday Lunch washed down with van rouge and van blanc and we were thrust back through the tunnel into reality and my out of wallet experience was at an end.
Now my wife keeps hugging me. I don’t know if she has been impressed by the passionate French or the power of my wallet. In any case I feel loved. She has other tests planned for me this year. I will keep you posted.
being a jehovahs witness is getting easier with each worldly year that passes.
time is not getting shorter but meetings are, along with assemblies.
in my day the closing prayer lasted longer than the whole modern assembly.
You have an interesting take on the whole Watchtower saga. In your few posts you come across as someone who is an observer in the JW V Ex-JW conflict. You said in another thread:
The beliefs many of you held as sacred, and worthy of spending countless hours spreading to other people, are now the focus of your malcontent. Now, you spend a lot of time working against the very thing you once promoted.
This is what happens when people change sides but they need to work through the emotional baggage that they carry before they can be as detached as you.
It seems you have never been involved to any degree. You have never been chewed up and spat out by the Watchtower machine as many here have?
I left by choice and have fond memories of the time when I was able to believe that I was part of a wonderful organization that offered the answers to all of life's mysteries. All I lost by leaving was my family and my religion. Freedom has its price.
What price have you paid to arrive at where you are?
being a jehovahs witness is getting easier with each worldly year that passes.
time is not getting shorter but meetings are, along with assemblies.
in my day the closing prayer lasted longer than the whole modern assembly.
Thanks for explaining conkers Gopher. At school swapping conkers or giving a choice specimen to a mate was a friendly thing to do.
Flyinghigh said: The WTBTS doesn't want to admit they are wrong all at once.
They have made so many changes with their blood policy, voting, time of the end predictions and interpretation of the bible.
As Witnesses are regularly told not to serve with a date in mind, we could ask whether these failed prophecies matter that much to the membership? The real difficulty facing Jehovah's Witnesses today is not the challenge of picking themselves up, dusting themselves off, and starting all over again. It is whether they are unanimous in the belief that their God is really directing the Watchtower Society.
After more than a century of false prophecy, changes and broken promises it is clear that they have got it all dreadfully wrong. Either the Watchtower Society does have the world’s only special line of communication with God, or they have been guessing. Have they proved themselves to be “faithful and discreet?”
They used to say that - Time will tell.' Time has passed, time has told and they are found wanting.
The problem is that after more than a hundred years of claiming to have the truth, they have got so much wrong and made so many changes. There are too many questions hanging over them.
Have the Watchtower Society demonstrated the correct way to run a society?
Do they have the right to indoctrinate their children into such a narrow cultural mindset?
Are they the perfect model for the world to follow, as they claim to be?
Do they have knowledge that will lead to everlasting life?
Have they dealt with the members in their care in an honest and straightforward way?
They used to say that - Time will tell.' Time has passed, time has told and they are found wanting.
being a jehovahs witness is getting easier with each worldly year that passes.
time is not getting shorter but meetings are, along with assemblies.
in my day the closing prayer lasted longer than the whole modern assembly.
Thanks Homerovah the Almighty.
Despite all appearances to the contrary I do have a heart.
OK! It is made of steel but I realize that many JW members are feeling let down and disappointed due to the failure of the promise that a new world would come during the last century. They are bruised and, in some cases, angry.
Thousands have left, some after a lifetime of dedicated service. After a lifetime of faithfully doing as the Watchtower society has instructed, JWs have been badly let down. The millions living that will never die are, dare I say it, dead as dodos.
It is essential to respect and sympathise with the situation that Jehovah's Witnesses have found themselves in. We were the luck ones who escaped. Now that Hillary_step has left the building I feel free to hug any ex-Witness who needs comfort. Go on then I'll hug you even if you still attend those shortened meetings and read those picture books you call spiritual food.
The empathetic gladiator
i don't mean to sound crude but ive always wondered what witnesses are allowed to do in their marriage (sex wise) only i always imagined that they wouldn't ever deviate from the 'missionary possition' and what about oral sex, is that allowed ?.
i spoke to an 'on the fence' old friend of mine a while ago he'd recently married and he said that a sister in their congregation had told his wife that anything other than 'missionary' was totaly out, he was angry at this statement and told me he thought it was "a matter of conscience" .
but i'm still curious !
The only sex toy allowed is a rolled up Watchtower, but only if it contains new truths. Old Watchtowers are out!
being a jehovahs witness is getting easier with each worldly year that passes.
time is not getting shorter but meetings are, along with assemblies.
in my day the closing prayer lasted longer than the whole modern assembly.
I meant : they have messed up so much with the teaching (changes - and nonsense - false prophetie) that they can't really stand on all their bugs
You said the same thing but more concisely.
Good to see you are still around.
Votre Anglais est bien meilleur que mon français
being a jehovahs witness is getting easier with each worldly year that passes.
time is not getting shorter but meetings are, along with assemblies.
in my day the closing prayer lasted longer than the whole modern assembly.
Thanks for your responses.
Homerovah the Almighty : Where did it go wrong ? It was founded on a false premise and built up on that premise only to grow from there, people are looking for spiritual truths not spiritual falsehoods.
This sums it up. The spiritual feast that was promised, turned out to be a few stale mouldy crusts. The spiritually hungry remained impoverished and in need.
The Watchtower Society state that, thousands of people have listened to their message with belief. In view of their record of failed prophecies, do these same people still listen with belief? Those who listened with belief and helped to proclaim the warning were threatened with excommunication if they ever dared to question the Society’s “truths” which they have referred to as “unquestionable certainties.”
“Beware of false prophets, men who come to you dressed up as sheep while underneath they are savage wolves. You will recognise them by the fruits they bear.” (Matthew 7:15,16 – NE)
Whether this scripture can be applied to the Watchtower Society depends on what kind of fruit they have produced. Have the prophecies made by them ripened or turned bad? Have those that received the Society’s fruit been satisfied or disappointed?
or is it a joke?
please tell me people aren't this deranged.
These people are clearly using the destruction of trees as a catharsis for their neurosis and repressed emotion.
On the other hand they do have a point. Trees are being destroyed at an alarming rate.
What is needed is balance and rational discussion about this issue.
being a jehovahs witness is getting easier with each worldly year that passes.
time is not getting shorter but meetings are, along with assemblies.
in my day the closing prayer lasted longer than the whole modern assembly.
Being a Jehovah’s Witness is getting easier with each worldly year that passes. Time is not getting shorter but meetings are, along with assemblies.
In my day the closing prayer lasted longer than the whole modern assembly. Now the book study is about to perish in the way.
Shorter hours for pioneers are on the way. No need to sell books and magazines to the public, just hand out tracts. For those bright enough to use a computer they can proselyte via email, the green alternative to fuel guzzling ministry.
Even the dress code is has relaxed to point that people offer them money for clothes when they call. Voting is a matter of Conscience as are blood fractions.
Soon they will meet once a week for 30 minutes to hug, congratulate themselves for not yet becoming apostates and swap conkers.
They are kidding nobody but themselves. Like a dog chasing its own tail, except being sheep, they have no tail, just an imaginary, invisible, spiritual tail that only they can see.
In the end the Society will just insert a control chip in each Jehovah’s Witness, somewhere so dark and deep that even the ever increasing Watchtower light will not reach it. Then they will have reached perfection.
When it comes to Jehovah’s Witnesses - they just don't make 'em like they used to. They are now a lost wandering shadow of what they were - too brainwashed to bleat out the simple question:
Where did it all go wrong?
Do you agree or am I being harsh?
What changes have you seen?